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Alexandria City Public Schools

ACPS serves nearly 16,000 students from 119+ countries. We are about equity, empowerment and inspiring students to thrive.


Jun 14

Please take a moment to review some important reminders so that your students are prepared to take their next academic steps.

Jun 14

ACPS partner Wilderness Kids Alexandria offers students a healthy way to find peace of mind while enjoying the physical benefits of being outdoors.

Jun 13

The deadline to share your feedback on the ACPS Student Code of Conduct is tomorrow (June 14, 2024).

Jun 12

We are so proud of our fourth quarter and final 2023-24 VIP Award winners!

Jun 10

The Alexandria City School Board voted to approve the final adoption of the ACPS Fiscal Year 2025 Combined Funds Budget and the FY 2025-34 Capital Improvement Program Budget.